Block Buddy Pro Testimonials

App Testimonials

“I had a young patient with a comminuted mid-clavicle fracture. It was the first time for me to perform a block that covered the ENTIRE clavicle. I turned to the Block Buddy Pro app, along with 4 other USG (ultra-sound guided) websites I frequently use, for reference. YOUR app had the best logical description and videos regarding the intermediate cervical plexus block. I chose to use TWO separate insertion points when placing the blocks rather than trying to catch the Intermediate cervical plexus through the same needle insertion site as the interscalene block. The blocks worked perfectly with the patient describing a zero pain scale post-operatively. You guys ROCK. Thanks for your hard work to educate those of us wanting to improve our USG skills.” – CRNA

“Excellent, quality individuals both personally and professionally. I had a quality product with their app, and the structure of their conference was all meat…I attend their conference every year basically even as a refresher, because you keep up with current events, keep up with current research, troubleshooting. If I’m going someplace, I am going to pick the best quality.”
-Matthew Steele, CRNA

“It’s user-friendly, they have a wide variety of regional anesthesia techniques on there, there’s probably one other app out there and it’s not a comparison to Block Buddy as far as the content goes. I use it mainly for reference, a quick reference, or to show other people when I’m explaining how the block would work or how to perform one.” -Kevin Reuscher, CRNA

“I have been, and continue to be, extremely satisfied with WRAE/Block Buddy. From my perspective, there is a continual drive to make each aspect better and improved upon.” -Anonymous

“I think they are maximum efficiency and effectiveness, both in content and delivery. The conference itself is not overly jam-packed. I think it’s an appropriate amount of content in two days, but the thing that really sticks out for me is that they may have these highly complicated, new, innovative blocks, but they make it for the person that maybe has experience with regional anesthesia, or a person that’s just starting out.” -Mathew Steele, CRNA

“It probably helps me reduce my unwillingness to perform a new technique. It enhances my confidence by reducing my anxiety to perform a new technique safely by being able to practice it and demonstrate it beforehand and being able to pick their brains at the conference, itself.”
-Kevin Reuscher, CRNA

“Keep up the good work.” -Anonymous

“…Right now, there isn’t anything that compares (to Block Buddy), which I’m surprised, especially because of how useful the Block Buddy app is. I can’t remember what the price is now, but when I got it, it was pretty cheap, so it’s definitely been well worth the investment.” -Kevin Reuscher, CRNA

Columbus Community Hospital

Thank you so much for bringing your Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Nerve Block Conference to Columbus, NE. I received so much positive feedback regarding the conference that I am sure we will be hosting one again soon. Ultrasound Guided Regional Blocks have become a standard now at our institution and are setting us apart from other hospitals in our state. Patients are having better pain relief and our physicians are pleased with their patient outcomes. Use of the blocks is helping us achieve our goal of decreasing the amount of opioids used in the post-operative period and allowing our patients to participate earlier in therapies…